Friday 4 August 2023




Java is a programming language that was created using the C and C++ programming languages. The original design of Java was led by James Gosling, who wrote the initial implementation of the language in the early 1990s. Java is now maintained by Oracle Corporation, and is widely used for developing a variety of software applications and platforms, including desktop and mobile apps, web applications, and enterprise software.
Gosling designed Java with a C/C++-style syntax that system and application programmers would find familiar. Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1996.

When natural programming languages were first developed, they fell into two broad categories, depending on how they communicated with the underlying hardware. Compilers: The complete program is written in natural English-like syntax with compilers, and the language then compiles (or translates) the entire code into machine code. The compiled code is then run on the hardware
Interpreters:With interpreters, every high-level code statement is interpreted into machine code on the fly. Written statements are run immediately by the hardware before looking at the next statement.



The Java programming language was developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s. Although it is primarily used for Internet-based applications, Java is a simple, efficient, general-purpose language. Java was originally designed for embedded network applications running on multiple platforms. It is a portable, object-oriented, interpreted language.

Java is extremely portable. The same Java application will run identically on any computer, regardless of hardware features or operating system, as long as it has a Java interpreter. Besides portability, another of Java's key advantages is its set of security features which protect a PC running a Java program not only from problems caused by erroneous code but also from malicious programs (such as viruses). You can safely run a Java applet downloaded from the Internet, because Java's security features prevent these types of applets from accessing a PC's hard drive or network connections. An applet is typically a small Java program that is embedded within an HTML page.

Java can be considered both a compiled and an interpreted language because its source code is first compiled into a binary byte-code. This byte-code runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is usually a software-based interpreter. The use of compiled byte-code allows the interpreter (the virtual machine) to be small and efficient (and nearly as fast as the CPU running native, compiled code). In addition, this byte-code gives Java its portability: it will run on any JVM that is correctly implemented, regardless of computer hardware or software configuration. Most Web browsers (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator) contain a JVM to run Java applets.

Compared to C++ (another object-oriented language), Java code runs a little slower (because of the JVM) but it is more portable and has much better security features. The virtual machine provides isolation between an untrusted Java program and the PC running the software. Java's syntax is similar to C++ but the languages are quite different. For example, Java does not permit programmers to implement operator overloading while C++ does. In addition, Java is a dynamic language where you can safely modify a program while it is running, whereas C++ does not allow it. This is especially important for network applications that cannot afford any downtime. Also, all basic Java data types are predefined and not platform-dependent, whereas some data types can change with the platform used in C or C++ (such as the int type).

Java programs are more highly structured than C++ equivalents. All functions (or Java methods) and executable statements in Java must reside within a class while C++ allows function definitions and lines of code to exist outside of classes (as in C-style programs). Global data and methods cannot reside outside of a class in Java, whereas C++ allows this. These restrictions, though cumbersome at times, help maintain the integrity and security of Java programs and forces them to be totally object-oriented.

Another key feature of Java is that it is an open standard with publicly available source code. Sun Microsystems controls the Java language and its related products but Sun's liberal license policy contributed to the Internet community embracing Java as a standard. You can freely download all the tools you need to develop and run Java applets and applications from Sun's Java Web site (

Here is a simple Java program that averages numbers entered from the keyboard:


C Programming Language:-

To answer the question, In which language is Python written? The complete script of Python is written in the C Programming Language. When we write a Python program, the program is executed by the Python interpreter. This interpreter is written in the C language.

C++ was developed by Bjarne Structure, as an extension to the

                                        C LANGUAGE

1.python-C created by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1980s and released in 1991

2.Ruby-C created by Yukihiro "Matz "Matsumoto In mid of 1990s and released the first version Released in the December/21/1995           

3.Rust-C Rust programming language was created by a team of Mozilla .The development of Rust started in 2006, and it was announced publicly by Mozilla in 2010. 

4.Javascript-C and C++ JavaScript created By Brendan Each He developed the language just ten days in May 1995. 

5.Kotlin-Java Kotlin programming language was created by JetBrains, a software development company based in Russia. Kotlin was first released in 2011 

6.Go-C and C++The Go programming language, often referred to as Golang, was created by three individuals at Google: Robert Grasmere, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. The initial design of Go began in 2007, and the language was officially announced to the public in 2009. 

7.C#-C and C++The C# (pronounced as "C sharp") programming language was created by Microsoft Corporation. The language was developed by Anders Hejlsberg and his team, and it was introduced as part of the .NET platform in the early 2000s. 

8.Swift-C and objective C Swift is a programming language that was developed by Apple Inc.

9.Java-C and C++Java programming language was developed by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton at Sun Microsystems, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation The development of Java started in 1991, and the first official version, Java 1.0, was released in 1996. 

10.MATLAB-C,C++MATLAB, which stands for "Matrix Laboratory," was created by Cleve Moler, a professor of computer science at the University of New Mexico, in the late 1970s.Initially, it was designed to provide an easy-to-use environment for numerical computing and matrix manipulation. 

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